Three outstanding Suffolk volunteers are among 500 Coronation Champions honoured by the King and Queen in the run-up to next month's big day.

They have been chosen by the Royal Voluntary Service to mark their contribution to the community over the last few years.

A total of 500 Coronation Champions were chosen from 5,000 nominees from across the country. 

They will each be invited to attend one of the official Coronation celebrations, such as the Windsor Castle Coronation Concert or a Coronation Garden Party.

They will also receive a specially-designed official Coronation Champions pin and a certificate signed by Their Majesties.

Faye Harburt is one of the leading lights behind the Ipswich Oasis Project aimed at creating green havens across the town centre.

Their project is one of those being promoted as part of the Ipswich Town Deal aimed at improving the whole town.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Jane O'Riordan is a Coronatioh Champion.Jane O'Riordan is a Coronatioh Champion. (Image: Jamie David 2010)

Jane O'Riordan is a volunteer with Cruse Bereavement Care who has done a great deal of work over recent years with people facing loss.

And Peter Aldous has been MP for Waveney for 13 years but has also been recognised for his voluntary work in the community.

The Champions were chosen after consultation with the Lord Lieutenant's offices across the country.

Suffolk Deputy Lieutenant Oliver Paul, who nominated Faye Harburt, said: “Coronation Champions are a unique occurrence to give credit to those who don't seek recognition but take pleasure from the good things they do in their community

“It is a pleasure to the support the initiative which inspires everyone to get involved with The Big Help Out on Monday, May 8.”

That is the bank holiday at the end of the Coronation weekend when people are being urged to get out and help their local communities.