Dozens of homes could be built in a small village as part of a scheme that would transform the area. 

Developers have revealed plans to build 50 homes in Woodton, between Bungay and Brooke, on an eight-acre piece of land currently used for farming. 

The development would be built south of Church Road, close to the primary school. 

For a community of just 700 people, the new houses would transform the village

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Proposed Woodton development Proposed Woodton development (Image: Google)

If each house added two people, it would increase the local population by almost 15pc. 

In a planning statement submitted to South Norfolk Council (SNC), the developers said that 17 – or 33pc - of the homes would be classed as ‘affordable’. 

The scheme is also expected to create a new footpath linking the site to the primary school, as well as a community orchard and informal play area.

Their statement said: “It is considered to be a sustainable location for the development, due to the location of the site and the continuous footpath connections to the primary school, amenities and public transport links within the village.  

“It is a development that will secure significant, long-lasting community benefits, that without this development would not be achievable.” 

Last year, the area was put forward for development in SNC’s South Norfolk Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan (VCHAP)

The document is intended to outline the long-term housebuilding strategy for the area, by designating where housing growth can occur between now and 2038. 

When the VCHAP was revealed, Jane Wickstead, chair of Woodton Parish Council, said the 'right' sort of housing should be embraced, and the 'wrong' sort resisted. 

She said: “We are pro-development, but it has to be controlled and we do not want a sprawling mess of developments because we don't have the facilities." 

The parish council is holding an extraordinary meeting on June 6 to consider the plans.