Spreading joy across the region through the power of miniature donkeys has put the woman behind a miniature donkey group in line for a national award. 

Sarah McPherson, from Hempnall in south Norfolk, has been named as a finalist in this year’s GoCardless JustGiving Awards, after setting up a Crowdfunding page for the group Miniature Donkeys for Wellbeing, also known as Minidonks, which she founded in memory of her late mum, Pat.

Minidonks takes miniature donkeys to visit people with life-limiting conditions, special needs and mental health challenges across Norfolk and Suffolk.

The group has made more than 800 well-being visits to care homes, psychiatric units, schools and dementia settings since 2017.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Pippin the miniature donkey and Pat (Sarah's mum) - 'Minidonks' was founded in memory of her mum after losing her to dementiaPippin the miniature donkey and Pat (Sarah's mum) - 'Minidonks' was founded in memory of her mum after losing her to dementia (Image: Minidonks)

Mrs McPherson, 59, said: “I am delighted to be a finalist. Since starting Minidonks after losing my mum to dementia, donations have been vital to us in funding our much-needed work.

READ MORE - Miniature Donkeys for Wellbeing in Norfolk get funding boost

“When I take one of my precious little donkeys upstairs in a lift at a care home and see the look of delight and wonder on the face of someone who is confined to their bed through ill health, it makes all the 6am starts and sleepless nights worthwhile.

“We are aiming to raise £10,000 and are nearly halfway there.

"Hopefully, this will raise awareness so more people donate to help us reach our goal to make this a long-term sustainable enterprise.”

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Every year the Minidonks team has delivered hundreds of visits across Norfolk and Suffolk. So far it has delivered more than 800 well-being visitsEvery year the Minidonks team has delivered hundreds of visits across Norfolk and Suffolk. So far it has delivered more than 800 well-being visits (Image: Minidonks)

Around 13,000 individuals and groups were nominated for the award, and Mrs McPherson is one of just three finalists. She was shortlisted by a team of celebrity judges including actress Angela Griffin and BBC Radio 1 DJ Rickie Haywood-Williams.

Winners will be announced at the ceremony to take place at London’s Roundhouse on September 25.