A bid to build 180 homes in an historic Norfolk town look set to go ahead, despite dozens of local objections. 

Around 18.7 acres - roughly 13 football pitches - of Loddon, a town 12 miles south of Norwich, could be developed under proposals recommended for approval by South Norfolk Council (SNC). 

The plans, on land east of Beccles Road, include 171 homes and a further nine self-build plots - land for custom developments - plus children's play space. 

Beccles & Bungay Journal: The Beccles Road site in LoddonThe Beccles Road site in Loddon (Image: Google)

Loddon Parish Council and 28 local have written letters of objection to the council. 

Many of the objections related to lost agricultural land, extra traffic and impact on local doctors and dentists. 

READ MORE: Government inspector raises concerns over 180 home plan

One Milton Drive resident said: “Trying to hide the development of 180 dwellings behind hedges just does not work to relieve the stress the development will cause.  

“This is far too many dwellings on the outskirts of this town, where probably 10-15 dwellings may be acceptable.” 

One letter of support was also submitted, stating the plans would help support Loddon businesses and is close to transport and was in keeping with other recent developments in the area. 

SNC planning officers are recommending councillors endorse the scheme at a meeting next week, with the final approval left to an official subject to discussions with the developer over whether more affordable housing could be provided – currently 59 homes. 

In a report to councillors, a planning officer said that any harm caused by the scheme does not outweigh the benefit of providing more housing.  

The site has also been designated a preferred option for development in the emerging Greater Norwich Local Plan –  a blueprint for where 50,000 homes could be built across Norwich and its outskirts between now and 2038. 

Loddon is an historic town first mentioned in the will of Aelfric Modercope written around 1042AD but no archaeological remains are believed to exist within a kilometre of the site.