Police bosses will be explaining changes to Suffolk Constabulary at a public meeting at an Oulton Broad hotel.

The way local policing is delivered in Suffolk is changing and a new county policing model goes live in December.  

In advance of the changes, the county's police and crime commissioner Tim Passmore and chief constable Rachel Kearton are hosting a series of meetings to talk through the plans with local communities and answer any questions they may have.

One of the sessions is at the Wherry Hotel on Bridge Road, Oulton Broad on Tuesday, October 10 from 6.30pm.

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Chief constable Kearton said: “The changes to the County Policing Command will ensure we have officers in the right places to focus on responding to and reducing incoming demand.

"The new operating model, which will be introduced in early December, consists of three strands, Response Investigating Teams, Community Policing Teams and a Partnership and Prevention Hub and has been designed to meet the increasing pressure on the constabulary."

All are welcome to attend the event.