People are being urged to have their say as a review of polling stations and polling districts across East Suffolk is being carried out.

A review of polling stations, polling places and polling districts, along with any proposed changes, is being carried out by East Suffolk Council to help make ballot boxes accessible to voters.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: East Suffolk Council headquarters in Lowestoft. Picture: NewsquestEast Suffolk Council headquarters in Lowestoft. Picture: Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

To ensure they remain suitable for voters, polling stations and polling districts in East Suffolk are currently being reviewed - with residents being invited to comment.

With 243 polling districts currently in East Suffolk, polling places are designated areas in which polling stations are located, with polling stations the venues where voting takes place.

The ‘Polling Districts and Polling Places’ review aims to ensure that the current polling districts, polling places and polling stations in East Suffolk are suitable and convenient for electors, and to assess feedback from voters or other interested parties.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Chris Bally, East Suffolk Council's chief executive. Picture: Mick HowesChris Bally, East Suffolk Council's chief executive. Picture: Mick Howes (Image: Mick Howes)

Chris Bally, East Suffolk Council’s chief executive and acting returning officer, said: "The aim of the review is to ensure voters in East Suffolk have reasonable facilities in which to vote and that these are accessible to everyone, as far as practicably possible.

"Whilst many polling stations will remain unchanged, some venues which have previously been used as polling stations may now not be available and therefore we will need to find a suitable alternative."

Details about the East Suffolk review and the schedule showing the current polling district areas and their allocated polling station venues can be found online at

Comments can also be submitted by email to or alternatively by post to Electoral Services, East Suffolk Council, Riverside, 4 Canning Road, Lowestoft NR33 0EQ.

The deadline for making representations in response to the review is Thursday, November 30.