A village road that has been partially closed for more than six months after a badger sett was found beneath it could reopen next month.

Highways officials have said that as repairs continue on Hulver Street in Hulver it is anticipated that works will be completed by the end of November.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Hulver Street in Hulver. Picture: Bruno BrownHulver Street in Hulver. Picture: Bruno Brown (Image: Bruno Brown)

Council contractors first descended on the village of Hulver - between Lowestoft and Beccles - in December last year.

After a pothole appeared in the road, temporary two-way traffic lights were then installed for the repairs on the main road in Hulver in April this year.

According to the Suffolk Roadworks map: "The lights are to protect a void that has been uncovered/opened at the edge of the carriageway."

It comes after workers cordoned off part of the road and discovered a badger sett dug underneath.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Badgers emerging from a sett. Picture: NewsquestBadgers emerging from a sett. Picture: Newsquest (Image: Newsquest)

Work therefore stalled on the B1127 road once the presence of badgers had been found - as the protected species cannot be moved while they may have young.

According to the Badger Trust website, it states that as a protected species "it is illegal to interfere with badgers or their setts without a licence from either Natural England or Natural Resources Wales."

With residents angered by the delays and uncertainty, earlier this month highways officials said there was no timeframe as to when the badger sett would be removed.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: One hole behind the road is blocked. Picture: Bruno BrownOne hole behind the road is blocked. Picture: Bruno Brown (Image: Bruno Brown)

However a Suffolk County Council spokesman said: "We’re working with our new highways contractor to prioritise works at Hulver Street so that we can remove the temporary traffic management that is in place for public safety and to protect the badgers.

"A licence has been granted by Natural England however, before repairs can start, a minimum of 21 days monitoring has to be undertaken by the Suffolk Wildlife Trust.

"We anticipate works will be completed by the end of November, subject to any finding from the monitoring.

"We will continue to work closely with the Trust to reopen the road for the community whilst protecting our county's wildlife."