More than 200 homes in Suffolk were flooded as a result of Storm Babet – although the true figure is expected to have been much higher. 

Interim figures from Suffolk County Council show that more than 200 homes in the county were flooded after it was battered by heavy rain at the back end of last week

A major incident was declared on Friday after Storm Babet sweeped through the county with heavy rains and high winds, causing severe flooding across Suffolk. 

Beccles & Bungay Journal: A car became trapped in flood water on FridayA car became trapped in flood water on Friday (Image: Contributed)

The Environment Agency also issued 14 flood alerts for the region while a yellow weather warning was in place from the Met Office. 

The number of affected premises, including businesses and homes, is expected to be higher as Suffolk councils and emergency planners work together to compile a full list.

People were being urged to only travel in absolutely necessary after a number of vehicles became trapped in flooded roads. 

On Wednesday it was announced that the government is drawing up plans to help victims of the storm with financial help to rebuild their homes

Now, Framlingham-based charity Hour Community is seeking funds to help households in the town who had to move out of their homes after being inundated with water when Framlingham Mere overflowed during heavy downpours on Friday.

Leader of Suffolk County Council Matthew Hicks said: "It is absolutely key that all residents who suffered flood damage report the incident.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Suffolk County Council leader Matthew HicksSuffolk County Council leader Matthew Hicks

“I understand that the pressures of finding somewhere to live or work, or stripping out damaged belongings may have dominated people’s lives since Friday, but I would urge them to take the time in fill in a flood report online.

“We know that this financial support is urgently needed, and we will do everything in our power to get it out to home and business owners as soon as possible.”

Residents are being asked to report any flooding to Suffolk County Council on its website.