Suffolk County Council will be sending out gritters across Suffolk tonight after the Met Office released a weather warning for snow and ice.

With winter weather now in full swing, Suffolk Highways has been preparing its gritting fleet to start spreading salt on roads across the county. 

The road surface temperature is set to drop below -4C tonight, so the first fleet of gritting lorries will begin their journey at 6pm on Wednesday.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: Some of the gritting lorries have snow ploughs attachedSome of the gritting lorries have snow ploughs attached (Image: Suffolk County Council)

Priority one roads (all A and B roads, roads to 24 hour fire stations, accident and emergency hospitals, main bus and rail stations, and certain hills) will be in the first wave of gritting.

The 1259 miles of priority one roads will be gritted again from 4am tomorrow. 

Beccles & Bungay Journal: The weather warning for snow and ice covers most of SuffolkThe weather warning for snow and ice covers most of Suffolk (Image: Met Office)

Priority two roads (school bus routes and roads to rural villages) which cover around 840 miles will be gritted from 9pm today. 

The team comprises of 39 gritting lorries, 17,000 tonnes of salt and over 80 people. 

Gritters named Father Gritmas, Gritty Gritty Bang Bang and Spread Sheeran will be travelling around the county.

Beccles & Bungay Journal: 17,000 tonnes of salt is ready to be spread on the Suffolk roads17,000 tonnes of salt is ready to be spread on the Suffolk roads (Image: Suffolk County Council)

A weather warning from the Met Office will come into place at 5pm on Thursday, November 30 until 11am on Friday, December 1. 

Most of Suffolk is covered by the warning, which could see snow and ice affecting journeys by rail or road. 

The Met Office has warned those travelling by foot to be careful, as pathways are likely to become slippery and won't have been gritted by councils. 

Further updates can be found on the Suffolk County Council website.