The proud owner of a fast growing agave regina plant has reflected on becoming a Beccles town celebrity.

Last week, Philip Roberts, 84, was shocked to discover that his agave regina plant bought 42 years ago from a garden centre near Camber Sands Pontins suddenly started growing 8 inches a day.

Fast forward a week and the plant has grown another two feet, with Mr Roberts' grandson expecting the plant to possibly grow an extra one to two feet in height.

Mr Roberts said: "Since the article was published so many people have stopped me in Beccles, recognising me as the owner of the huge plant.

"Everyone recognises me now and they have been asking when the plant is expected to bloom.

"The truth is we are really not sure but he will certainly look magnificent once this process starts.

"He's still in the garden, he's simply too big now for either the house or the conservatory."