Since the last column, we are pleased to say that both Youth Champion team projects are moving well.

On the youth magazine, we’ve been really pleased with the response from youth organisations and schools about the project. We have received a few adverts from local youth organisations thus far and the final publication will be distributed electronically and via paper copy.

This means the outreach of this magazine will be wide so young people and parents will be able to access this information in the format they prefer. The magazine will be circulated to students and parents by schools and the electronic version will also be available on the Beccles Town Council website.

The magazine will be distributed on March 22 and hopefully this will provide young people and parents with the information about the fantastic youth provision in the town!

This project has been moving well and we are also glad to report that our other project of enhancing youth provision is also going well. The pilot of the youth café will be happening soon, and we are pleased to say that the venue for it is arranged and we are in the process of arranging equipment for it.

Youth provision is so important because young people are an integral part of this community and so ensuring they have good quality facilities and services is paramount. We have lots of great youth provision already in the town - as the magazine will promote - and so we are looking to enhance that provision where we can. We believe that this youth café will enhance what we have already and will produce more options for young people in terms of places to go.

What is fantastic about this project is that the impetus is originating from local young people and parents who know what facilities would be good for them. We thank them for their continuing enthusiasm and hard work on this and hopefully both the magazine and the youth café pilot will be a success! As always, if you have any comments or ideas, please let us know via Town Hall.

Sam Kenward, Caroline Topping and Andrea Downes

Beccles Youth Champions