Stunning window displays in Bungay town centre have got local folk talking about the climate crisis as the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow enters its final week.

Bungay locals, businesses, schools and churches have all been putting up water-themed displays during the duration of the COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.

The event is organised by Sustainable Bungay to support both flooding victims close to home and those across the world.

Kate Jackson, one of the founding members of Sustainable Bungay, said the response from the local community has been brilliant.

She said: "So many shops, local organisations, schools, churches and locals have been involved in the wave and it has been so great to see.

"The Holy Trinity Church has a great interactive display and it is lovely to see so many different designs popping up around town.

"Everyone in the town has come together and put in a real effort.

"It's not too late to still get involved either as the Bungay Wave lasts during the duration of COP26 right up until November 12."

Bungay was one area in East Anglia last year which was hit by Christmas flooding, creating devastation for many businesses and locals in the area.

Bungay was hit by the worst flooding in over 50 years.

Miss Jackson said that the Bungay Wave has got people talking again about the effects of flooding and how local communities like Bungay can overcome the effects of climate change in the future.

"It has got people talking," Miss Jackson said.

"The COP26 climate summit in Glasgow alongside the Bungay Wave here in town has galvanized the community together to really talk about the climate crisis and address these issues.

"During much of the pandemic, a lot of people's sole focus was purely on that because of its devastating impacts at the time.

"But what COP26 has done has brought people's attention back to the ongoing climate crisis because Covid took our attention away for a while.

"In this day and age it is about learning to thrive during hard and difficult times.

"But I'm looking forward to seeing what challenges we will have to address and overcome in the future."