A plan to turn a garage into a mix of housing and a car dealership is set to go before planners - but there could be a spanner in the works.

An application to add a business to Langley Cottage, close to the river Yare in Langley, is set to go before South Norfolk Council (SNC) on Wednesday.

The car dealership has already started operating from the site though and ahead of the meeting officers have recommended the application is refused.

The area proposed to be used as a car sales business is a gravelled driveway and parking area. No new buildings would be built on the site.

Langley Parish Council and four residents have written to object to the plan.

The council has criticised the dual use of residential and business, and raised fears that the plan would create too much traffic along narrow country roads.

Other objections called the location "inappropriate" for a quiet hamlet and conservation area, as well as concerns it could impact highway safety, the business was too large and would impact local wildlife.

However, rather than being open to casual passers-by, the applicant has said viewing will be by appointment only. This aims to help reduce the number of people travelling to the site.

The applicant has also estimated that there are expected to be between 10 and 14 vehicle purchases and sales per month.

Norfolk County Council's highways department has also raised no objections to the scheme.

Officers at SNC said the plan fails to meet policies overseeing employment in the countryside.

The officer said: "The application does not propose to re-use redundant rural buildings or hardstanding, the application site is not particularly well related to a rural town or village and the proposal would not create accessible jobs and business opportunities in the rural area.

"The application also fails to demonstrate any overriding benefits in terms of economic, social and environmental dimensions and therefore fails to accord with policies."

The applicant was contacted but did not wish to respond for comment.

To the south of the site is an agricultural barn which is also being considered for conversion to a home as part of a separate application.